Bankstown Girls High School

Semper Optime (Always the best)

Telephone02 9709 6788

Uniform Shop

Bankstown Girls High School and Daylight Sportswear are pleased to announce the launch of their new online ordering system for the purchase of school uniforms. This website will enable parents and students who are unable to visit the school uniform shop during opening hours to purchase school uniforms at any time.

The online ordering system is quick and easy. Simply create an account profile, place your order, pay and select 'walk in' to pick up your order from the school uniform shop on the next open day.

This online shop is to work in conjunction with the physical uniform shop on-site at your school. Daylight sportswear is the largest supplier to NSW public schools through its very successful on-site uniform shops.

Shop hours during school term:

  • Monday: 8am to 12pm
  • Wednesday: 8am to 12pm

Special hours during December and January will be advertised each year. To make an order online, please visit the daylight sportswear website.