Subject Selection
Each year students in year 8 and year 10 go through a subject selction process to choose subjects they wish to study in the following year..
Year 8 choose two elective subjects that count towards their stage 5 Record of School Achievement (RoSA).
Year 10 choose all the subjects they wish to study for their stage 6 RoSA and for the Higher School Certificate (HSC).
Subject Selection 2023
The process started at the end of Term 2 where subject markets were held and teachers outline for the girls the different courses being offered, what they will study in those courses and the assessment requirements. The girls were also given a copy of the subject selection booklet that outlined the vital information the girls need to be aware of for subject selection. You can find a copy of the booklets at the links below.
Year 8 subject selection booklet
Year 10 subject selection booklet
On Tuesday 25th July we held our parent teacher night and subject selection information evening. Parents had an opportunity to meet with their daughter's teachers and they were given a presentation about the courses being offered, NSW Education Standards Authroity (NESA) requirements and the subject selection process.
You can download a copy of the presentaiton by clikcing the link here. PRESENTATION
The girls have until Friday 4th August to submit their selections and hand in a signed parent acknoledgement.
Should you require any further informaiton please contact the school and ask to speak with Mr Leary.