Bankstown Girls High School

Semper Optime (Always the best)

Telephone02 9709 6788

School Attendance

Attendance Expectations


Bankstown Girls High School expects students to attend school each day. If this is not possible, the parents should inform the school in writing.  In Stage 5 and Higher School Certificate years, medical evidence may be required by the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) for absences during assessment or examination times. Students are expected to have an attendance rate of more than 90% to satisfactorily meet this requirement. More than 10% absence (i.e. approximately five days per term) is unacceptable and may lead to non-completion (‘N’ determination) in the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) and the Higher School Certificate (HSC), referral to Home School Liaison Officer (HSLO) and/or Warning of Expulsion and/or repeating year to complete course work.


Late Arrival

Our school day begins at 8.45am.  All students are expected to be on school grounds ready to attend their Essential Learning Period (ELP). Students who are late to school will not be allowed to enter class without a note issued by the Front Office using their student ID card. It is important to provide a note explaining the late arrival for their reports to show that the partial absences are explained. Students who are regularly late will receive letters home through their Year Advisor and, if necessary, will have a meeting with their Deputy Principal and their parents to discuss and resolve the issue. Students can’t meet NESA requirements if they are regularly late or absent.

In circumstances that a student needs to leave school early, a note must be provided to the Front Office in the morning. The note should contain: Student’s Name, Student’s Year, Leaving Time, Reason for Early Leavers, Parent/Carer Signature.



At Bankstown Girls High School, when a student is absent, the school automatically sends out a text message at 11am informing the parent/carer of the student’s absence. The school requires a response to this message detailing why the student is absent. If an electronic response isn’t provided, it is expected that a note is provided the first day of the student’s return. The note should contain: Student’s Name, Student’s Year, Date of Absence, Reason for Absence, Parent/Carer Signature. All notes need to be given to the front office. When a student is away for a prolonged period, a call to the school is necessary.  






This page was last edited March 29, 2022