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Bankstown Girls High School

Bankstown Girls High School

Semper Optime (Always the best)

Telephone02 9709 6788

Homework centre


Did you know that if you don't look at what you are learning for a second time within 24 hours you forget 60% of the detail? This is why teachers encourage reviewing what was learnt each day immediately after school.

One of the best habits to develop this skill is the following: each afternoon, before beginning homework, girls should spend 10-15 minutes reviewing what was learnt at school that day.

There are lots of different ways to do this review, here are some ideas (and it can be something different every day):

  1. Highlight the key points in each lesson.
  2. Write down the top 3 things learnt in each lesson (could be done in a separate book or at the bottom of the day's classwork).
  3. Make a mind map about the main points covered in the class.
  4. Try and explain what was discussed in each lesson that day to a family member (or even to the cat).
  5. Go on a Google adventure—do some quick research on one interesting thing from each lesson.
  6. Write down for each subject a question that is relevant or clarifies something from the day.

There will be a fabulous payoff to doing this; more of what is learnt at school will stick, leaving less to learn at exam time. Assignments and projects are also easier with quick recall of what has been covered in class.


















This page was last edited 29 March 2021. DH