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Bankstown Girls High School

Bankstown Girls High School

Semper Optime (Always the best)

Telephone02 9709 6788

Inspiration for Islander student


She plays Netball for her country, she participated in the Commonwealth Games, she is studying full time, she is a future PE teacher, she travels to New Zealand and Samoa to train and compete regularly…who is this dynamo???

She is Alyce Solaese and she came to Bankstown Girls recently to talk about her achievements.  Alyce shared with the Pacific Islander girls during their tutoring session what it is like to be an elite sportswoman.  She also shared her life as a sister, daughter and Church goer.  She told the girls the importance of time management and shared with them some of her times at school at Fairvale High where she made important decisions about her future.  Having a goal and striving for it was an important message to the girls from Alyce.

Alyce has recently been recognised by the NSW Community Relations Commission for her success in tertiary education and as a senior sportswoman. The students from Bankstown Girls congratulate Alyce and thank her for her inspiration as a role model.

Contributed by Ms Cole

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