Bankstown Girls High School

Semper Optime (Always the best)

Telephone02 9709 6788

Harmony Day 2022 - Everyone Belongs

Harmony Day is the introduction to a week-long celebration of Australia's cultural diversity. It is built on inclusiveness, respect and a widespread sense of belonging.

Bankstown Girls High School will always focus on the incredible contributions that all cultural backgrounds have to the continuing progression of our country. This year, Bankstown Girls High school was fortunate enough to share the start of our Harmony Day with special guests Uncle John Dickson, Aunty Liz Dickson, and Aboriginal artist Koreena Leverett. Our girls learnt about the true descriptors of Aboriginal culture and togetherness. We also witnessed and partook in a beautiful smoking ceremony led by Uncle John and Aunty Liz - a practice which involves the burning of native plants to produce smoke that, when walked through, provides a spiritual cleansing and protects against bad spirits. Aboriginal artist and educator Koreena Leverett sung the National Anthem in the Dharug language, further fortifying the true owners and history of our country.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Uncle John, Aunty Liz, and Koreena Leverett for making this Harmony Day so special and memorable for all of us at Bankstown Girls!


Harmony Week is observed for a week in March and includes 21st March, which is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Harmony Day is intended to celebrate the cohesive and inclusive nature of Australia and promote a tolerant and culturally diverse society. Initially celebrated in 1999, Harmony Day coincides with the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which was established in 1966 with the aim of eradicating racism and racially-fuelled hate crime. #harmonyday #harmonyday2022 #everyonebelongs