Bankstown Girls High School

Semper Optime (Always the best)

Telephone02 9709 6788

Year 7 Swim School 2013

Students at Swim School
Student with their teacher at Swim School


On the 12th, 13th, 14thof November Year 7 braved the weather and participated in swim school.

The first day was pretty cold, but the Year 7 students were troopers and couldn't wait to get in the water to begin testing. From 9:30am to 11:30 students were tested on their abilities and placed into the appropriate class for their skills and abilities. After a much needed lunch break students hopped back in the water and began the learning and activities section. This included water familiarisation and awareness, stroke correction, breathing techniques and entering and exiting the water safely, just to name a few.

Day 2 and the weather was beautiful. After a quick change, Year 7 students including the Year 9 Pass Helpers lined up anxiously waiting to get back in the water. Lessons continued and included some more difficult activities for the more advanced swimmers, such as diving. With the help of Year 9 PASS, student further developed their skills and overcame many fears, including the dreaded "deep end".

The last day students engaged in survival skills activities including entering the water with their clothes on, reach rescues, underwater rescues, treading water, floating and a survival swim. After lunch structured activities took place and girls rotated between diving, noodle water polo, underwater discovery, bogey board races and relays.

Year 7 students were outstanding in keeping the area clean and their attendance to swim school, regardless of the weather. The PDHPE staff would like to thank Year 9 PASS helpers and Miss Ames for all their help on a very successful Swim School!